LED vs Regular Bulbs

LED can save up to 50% of your electricity bill!

When you are looking for a new bulb for your table lamp, which light bulb is designed to be better? We usually hope the light bulbs that we use can last longer, and even help us save on our monthly electricity bills. Let you know a simple fact is that LEDs bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent lighting!

What are the most popular opinions that people usually think of? Here are the following points:

  • Incandescent bulbs – These are the old-fashioned, “typical” bulbs that many of us grew up with. They’re not very energy-efficient and they don’t last long.
  • Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) – These are the “spiral” bulbs that may come to mind when we think about energy-efficient bulbs.
  • LEDs – They have the look and feel of an incandescent bulb, but they are energy-efficient.

Is that so? Start to scroll down now and you will say wow from the real facts!

What is LED light bulb?

This is a type of electric light bulb that is used in light fixtures to produce light by using a light-emitting diode (LED). They’re tiny semiconductors (diodes) wrapped in plastic to keep the elements out and the light focused. It has a longer lifespan of up to 50,000 hours and is more efficient than standard bulbs.

What is incandescent bulb?

When we refer to a “regular light bulb,” we are referring to an incandescent bulb, which has been in use since Thomas Edison patented his invention in 1879. When an electric current flows through the heating of a tungsten filament, it glows. They are widely available and reasonably priced in most areas. They are not as long-lasting, however, with a life span of around 1,000 hours.

What is CFL Bulb?

CFL bulbs are also more efficient than incandescent bulbs. They are fluorescent lamps that emit light from a mixture of phosphors inside the bulb and are intended to replace incandescent bulbs. CFLs are the bulbs that are dim at first and take some time to warm up to full brightness. However, once the electricity is turned on, these bulbs use approximately 70% less energy than incandescent bulbs. As a result, they are less efficient than LEDs and have a shorter lifespan.

Here’s come to our main topic: Can you save money with led bulbs?

Although most people understand that LEDs save energy, they may be hesitant to pay the higher price for LEDs. But it’s well worth it.

Let’s run a quick calculation to compare the efficiency and savings of various bulbs. To keep things simple, let us look at the table below:

Hardware Costs
  LED CFL Regular
Cost per bulb RM13 RM12.50 RM3.50
Average lifespan (hours) 25,000 8,000 1,500
Cost to replace bulb after 25,000 hours RM13 RM39.06 RM58.33
Energy Costs
Watts 12 18 53
Energy usage for 1 month at 4 hours a day (kWh/month) 1.44 2.16 6.36
Monthly electricity cost per bulb (21.8 sen / kWh/ month) RM0.314 RM0.479 RM1.386
Energy cost for 25,000 hours of use RM10.90 RM16.63 RM48.13
Total Costs
Hardware + Energy costs over 25,000 hours RM23.90 RM59.69 RM106.46

From this calculation, we can see that the running costs for an LED bulb is over 25% lower compared to halogen, and around 50% lower compared to CFL.

Led bulb really has a longer lifespan?

LEDs last much longer than regular bulbs, which saves you the trouble of looking for the drawer where you stashed the lightbulbs – not to mention the money spent on new bulbs. LEDs are expected to last 10 years, or 100,000 hours of continuous use, according to manufacturers.

Feel hesitant about installing a new LED bulb? We have a variety of options for you to choose from, and you will undoubtedly get your top choice from us! Click on the LED bulb category now!

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